The Jefferson Library at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello has added a wonderful on-line story on its blog about our Society’s recent donation of James Maury’s 254-year-old Bible as part of our annual meeting weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Details on Separate October 19 Yorktown Day Events!
Details on Separate October 19 Yorktown Day Events!
Our annual meeting weekend of October 19-21, 2017, in Yorktown, Virginia, coincides with the annual Yorktown Day which commemorates the October 19, 1781, British surrender to the Americans effectively ending the American Revolution. Please consider coming early for our weekend so you can participate in these festivities which are separate from our Society’s planned events.
8:45 am Wreath-laying Ceremony at the French Cemetery at the Yorktown
9:00 am Wreath-laying at the Grave of Virginia Governor Thomas Nelson Jr. at Grace
Episcopal Church.
9:15 am Wreath-Laying and Commemorative Ceremony at the French Memorial
10:00 am Yorktown Day Parade on Main Street
11:00 am – 4:00 pm Custom House open
11:15 am Patriotic Exercises and Memorial Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Monument to
Alliance and Victory
11:30 am Brunswick Stew Lunch at Grace Episcopal Church
In addition to visiting the Swem Library in the afternoon to view papers relevant to our family, you may wish to visit the Town of York, the Nelson House, the Watermen’s Museum, the Gallery at York Hall, the York County Historical Museum, and the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. You may also wish to visit Riverwalk Landing along the Yorktown waterfront, where the schooners Alliance and Serenity are docked.
For up-to-date details on Yorktown Day events, periodically check the Yorktown Day webpage.