Welcome to The Fontaine-Maury Society

The Fontaine-Maury Society (FMS) is an active thriving organization whose mission is to strengthen the family bonds of the Fontaine and Maury families. The society's mission was first defined by the families' common ancestor, Jaques de la Fontaine (1658-1728), whose dying wish was that all members of his family remain close through the ages and to aid one another in times of strife.

The FMS has striven to fulfill Jaques de la Fontaine's wish by honoring, respecting, and promoting the various historical and intellectual contributions which have been made by family members throughout history. The FMS meets annually to discuss family history, share genealogical information, and retrace the steps of family ancestors. The FMS also issues a newsletter to inform members of upcoming historical, genealogical, and family-related events of interest. The Society has almost 300 newsletter recipients spread across the United States and abroad.

For information about how to join our Society, please visit our Membership page. Members are not required to be descendants of Jaques de la Fontaine to join. For upcoming events and other items of note, visit our Announcements page.

Genealogists may be interested to review our on-line library for books which may be pertinent to your research. We also have Memoirs of Jaques de La Fontaine (.pdf) available for download for free. For additional resources like these, please visit our Library page. If you are a genealogist who is compiling a comprehensive list of sources to aid you in your research, please visit our Bibliography page.